Saturday, 30 March 2019

Greece 2019 Day 9 to 11 - Athens by bike -> Nymphs Hill -> Holy Church of Saint Marina -> Gate of Athena Archgetis -> The Metropolitan Church of Athens Evangelismos Theotokou -> Panathenaic Stadium -> Zappeio Hall -> Temple of Olympian Zeus -> Plaka -> Acropolis -> Acropolis Museum -> Ermou Street -> Thissio Flea Market

Day 9:

Good morning! Today we decided to join the bicycle tour to explore the city! We choose 'Athens by bike' because it is just across the street from our apartment.
Operating Hours : 9am to 5pm ( Monday - Friday )
9am to 2pm ( Saturday & Sunday )

Pardon the shag face...  Too early for this... Haha!

Registered and waiting for everyone else to arrive. 

All bicycle comes with a name!

The guide will help us to choose the right bike to make sure we are comfortable to ride.

Ready to go! Actually I'm super nervous as I'm not very good in cycling and worse, I have not cycle for the longest time! Good luck to me!

Hello! Park our bicycle and greeted by a doggy! 

Guess where we are going?

First stop! If I'm not wrong we are at Nymphs Hill, a hidden place where we can overlook the city and the Acropolis!

The Doridis astronomical observatory is here too!

Second stop, the Holy Church of Saint Marina. The bell charms so beautifully!

Stop by a bridge to listen to our tour guide. 

Graffiti bridge with a graffiti train pass by...

Next stop, here we are at the Gate of Athena Archegetis.

And next, we stop by one of the many church in Athens, The Metropolitan Church of Athens Evangelismos Theotokou, which is build in the 1800s.

There is some ceremony going on inside the Church so I didn't capture much picture of the interior.

There is a little Church, the Holy Church of Virgin Mary Gorgoepekoos and Saint Eleutherius next to it too. 

The interior of the small Church. 

After 2 hours of ride, time for a short break!

Nice chat with the rest of the people in our tour! People from everywhere!

Not forgetting a cup of coffee!

Pass by the shopping street. Can see cannot touch... Haha!

The tour guide purposely bring us to the Parliament House to watch their soldiers changing their shift.

According to the guide, the army's salary is really very low but they will still do it as the government provide food and accommodation and they are proud of their job too!

Next stop, the Panathenaic Stadium, the first modern Olympic games was held here in 1896 but now they only use it for hosting ceremonial events or live music concert.

Group picture with the stadium!

Stop by the Zappeio Hall, located in the Nation Garden.

 Photo with the friendly group of people!

Lastly, we end our tour at the Temple of Olympian Zeus.

Group photo again!

And 1 last group photo before we head back to return our bicycle.

Tour end, went back to our apartment to rest for a while and off we walk to The Plaka stairs to hunt for our lunch.

While walking to Plaka, we pass by a area that seems to be like their resident area. 

Many Graffiti wall along the way.

Finally at Plaka stairs. Nice place to chill! 

We decided to have our lunch at Anafiotika café / Restaurant recommended by our Airbnb Host.
Operating Hours : 8am to 2am ( Monday to Sunday )
**Please note that time might differ during different season

There is roof top seating with Acropolis behind us! Wanted to had our lunch here but the sun is too bright so we decided to head back to level 1.

Oops! Did we over ordered? But the food here is great though!

Complimentary dessert again!

After a great lunch, off we head off to the Acropolis! I missed the operating hours few years back when I'm here in Athens so finally I can visit the place! We have to squeeze our time to visit today because tomorrow will be their national day, the Acropolis will not be open.
Operating Hours : 8am to 5pm ( Monday to Sunday )
**Please note that time might differ during different season

Tickets are at 20euro for just the Acropolis and it's Slopes ( 10euro during winter period, 1st novemeber to 31st march ). And 30euro for entering most of the sites and museum and it valid for 5 days. ( 15euro for winter period. )

I guess discounted tickets is one of the few benefit to travel there during winter season...

Off we go!

This Theater is actually a rebuild, that is also why it look so perfect. The original one is at other side. 

Welfie time!

NOBODY photobombing me! 

I think if not because it's winter season, I'm sure we wouldn't be able to take nice picture without people joining us in the picture.

We made it here!

Boling went to explore a little more as she is more interested in the history and all, so the rest of us sat down somewhere to take welfie ( erm.. I mean wait for her... ).

Although this trip is coming to an end but I'm glad we made it happen!
By the way... we are still waiting for Boling...

The view from the Acropolis.

That's the original Theater below!

The feeling of  'at the top of the world'!

Beautiful view...

This place looks so good without crowds photobombing your pictures, isn't it?!

Heading back down now.

We pass by a handmade bazaar that inside Holy Church of Saint Sophia which is just located at the foot of the Acropolis and its free entrance! Not sure if this will be always here or not though.

Small flea market inside selling mainly handmade stuff. Many accessories too but too bad we need to head to the Acropolis Museum before it close, so we didn't have time to slowly shop here.

And here we are at the Acropolis Museum. 
Operating Hours : 8am to 4pm ( Monday )
8am to 8pm ( Tuesday - Thursday, Saturday & Sunday )
8am to 10pm ( Friday )
**Please note time might differ during different season 

Tickets are at 5euro. Wait... isn't it the same if we buy the 15euro tickets when we enter Acropolis since the museum is included as well? Haha... Ok, math sometime does go wrong...

Not gonna explain about the exhibition so please enjoy some photos I have taken.

There is many more to see here but I will just post until here. Come to see more with your own eyes!

After the museum, we walk back to Ermou street again to "try our luck" to do some shopping and also hunt for dinner.

Found this shops that sell the nougat we brought in Mykonos and we went in to grab! Each of us brought like 5-8 pieces for our family and friends and I think we cleared almost all their stock for the nougat?
Operating Hours : 8.30am to 11pm ( Monday - Saturday )
9am to 11pm ( Sunday )
**Please note that time might differ during different season 

More people today! But please be reminded where there is crowd, there is risk of getting picked pocket so please be careful. This location is also very well known for pick pocket during peak season!

More shops is open today!

We ended up with KFC take away back home to eat as the KFC was quite crowded and we couldn't find a seat.
Operating Hours : 11am to 12am ( Monday - Sunday ) 
**Please note that time might differ during different season

Busy day today so time to sleep! Good night!

Day 10:

Good Morning! Today is a special day for Greece! And yup it's their independent day ( 25th March )! Look at what is happening just below our apartment? We actually didn't know we will bump into their independent day, and we of course didn't know the parade will be just below our apartment!

The moment we saw the Military tank displaying downstairs, we quickly clean up and rush down to have a look.

We are so lucky to have their parade just below our apartment and so we can be so close to see their military tank!

And not to miss out their military marching off parade! 

So nice! I felt that the audiences are really proud of their army as I heard a lot of people screaming 'BRAVO' when they march pass!
Look! Female women squad! So cool isn't it?

This reminds me of my school days! Haha! (I used to be in military band in my secondary days)

Flying their military aircraft!

Road close for the parade so we can walk in the middle of the road freely!

We walked to Ermou street again because the parade is just along the way here and it's time to hunt for our lunch.
Wanted to eat at this Ergon House but table are full.

Since we can't eat here, there is a mart inside so we went in to see if we can get some good olive oil and see what interesting stuff they have.

Pass by and decided to get our last lunch in Greece at Centrale.
Operating Hours : 6am to 1am ( Monday - Sunday )
**Please note that time might differ during different season

Food is good! A group of happy girls as long as we had nice food! Staff is friendly too!

After lunch, as most of the shops are close so we walk over to Thissio Flea Market instead!

While walking we already pass by some people selling interested along the road.

Here we are at Thissio Market!
 We are lucky and glad that they are actually open on their public holiday! 
Anyway shopping at flea market is more like our style too! 

Shopping starts! 

Women = Accessories 

Lots of accessories stall here! Some are handmade by seller too!

I think we really stop by ALL the accessories stall! Haha!

Nice graffiti wall so must take a picture here. Haha!

Bought myself a ring.

Ok, tea break at Fresko Yogurt Bar!
Operating Hours : 7.30am to 10.30pm ( Monday - Sunday )
** Please note that time might differ during different season

 I mean ice cream break! 

Shall continue shopping after my ice cream break.

So, here's our loot of this flea market trip! Girls are just being girls... how many accessories do we need?

Went back to our apartment to put our things and out again to hunt for dinner.

Pass by a unique wine place! They use bicycle as table stand!

So, we ended up settling our last dinner in Greece at Arcadia Restaurant.
Operating Hours : 11am to 11.30pm ( Monday - Thursday )
9am to 11.30pm ( Friday & Sunday )
9am to 12.30am ( Saturday )
**Please note that time might differ during different season

Overall food here is good too!

Complimentary dessert again!
I have learnt 1 thing during these 10 days trip in Greece, the locals love to give complimentary wine and dessert, and they are mostly friendly (don't remember any unfriendly locals during both of my trip to Greece!)!  

After dinner, back to apartment to start packing luggage and here's my loot for these 10 days trip! Mostly food to share with family, friends and colleagues!
Packed and good night!

Day 11:

Good morning! Time to say goodbye to this apartment so let's take a welfie here.

Off to the airport!

Last view of the stadium...

Reached airport, checked in and coffee time!

And of course breakfast! We are staving!

Doing a very last minute of grabbing the Apivita mask because we bought some at Ermou street and tried last night and it was so good! Our face feels so good this morning! 
It's actually much more expensive at the airport but no choice, product is too good to be missed, and we didn't buy many yesterday as we are not very sure about the brand.

Bye Greece!
 My second time here and you are still as wonderful!
 Hope to see you again!

The same cup noodle in flight on the way back to Singapore!

We are back home!
As much as I love travelling, nothing beats the happiness once I reach home!
But I'm already missing the weather in Greece...